Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Covent Garden Ladies 1788: Miss Clinton

Harris's List of Covent-Garden Ladies for the year 1788

Miss Clinton

Miss Cl—nt—n, near Middlesex Hospital.

Mark my eyes, and as they languish,
Read what your's have written there.

This is a very genteel made little girl, with the languishing eye of an Eloise; like her too, she is warm with the fire of love, in all its native freedom, which, fanned by the amorous air, soon kindles into a flame that cannot be quenched but by the powerful effects of the Cyprian Torrent, which she is very fond of being bathed in; she has good teeth, And a lilly white skin, which is beautifully contrasted by a grot black as the sooty raven, which, for two pounds two, will entertain you a whole night.