Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: 2. Pleuritic Unguent

2. Pleuritic Unguent.

Take Althea Ointment 1 ounce; Oil of sweet Almonds 3 drams; Camphir 1 scruple; spirit of Salt Armoniac 1 dram: mix.

Anointed on the parts affected, it appeases, and takes away Pleuritic, and Podagric Pains, (saith the Coummunicator) for it's very penetrating, and either obtunds or dissipates the sharp stagnating Particles; or restores the extravasated to the circulating mass of Blood.

And I have Learn'd from Experience (saith he) that Spirituous Medicines mixt with Unctuous, do mightily ease Pains, which Spirituous alone do not.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710