Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: A Decoction of Turneps

A Decoction of Turneps.

Take Turneps cut into slices 2 pound; Herbs Hounds tongue, Colts foot, each 1 handful; Raisins of the Sun 1 ounce; Liquorice half an ounce; boil in Barly Water 2 quarts to 1 quart, adding at last Coriander seed bruised half an ounce; let it stand close covered 'till cool, then let it run through a straining Bag of it self, without squeezing, and sweeten it with white Sugar Candy 2 ounces.

Its a very good Pectoral, to temper Acrimony, Maturate and Incrassate.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710