Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: A Pectoral Julep

A Pectoral Julep.

Take Waters of Fennel 6 ounces; of Pennyroyal, Hysop, each 2 ounces; Sweet Tincture , and Tincture of Saffron (made in Treacle Water) each 1 ounce; Oil of Anniseed 12 drops; white Sugar 6 drams; Spirit of Salt Armoniac 12 drops, mix.

I commonly add Tincture of Gum Ammoniac (made in Spirit of Wine) to twelve or twenty four drops.

It consists of Volatile, Oleose, and Balsamic Particles, lodged in, and incorporated with a pulpous Body of Sweets: Upon which accounts its Operations are divers and different; it incides, yet lenifies, attenuates, yet maturates, corrects salt Serum, melts down thick Phlegm, roborates the Springey Tone of the Lungs, frees the Bronchia from stuffing: In a word, it's the most excellent Thoracic, and convenient in any sort of Cough. The Dose is two spoonfuls, presently after every Fit of Coughing.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710