Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: A Somniferous Glyster

A Somniferous Glyster.

Take Opium 8 grains; dissolve it in erratic Poppy Water 6 ounces, and add Diascordium half an ounce; the Yolk of 1 Egg, mix and inject lukewarm at sleeping time.

In acute, and other great Distempers, when want of Sleep, (caused by vehemence of Pain, Estuosity of Humours, or restlesness of Spirits) grows to that pass, as to weaken so much, that 'tis no longer safe to venture Opiates in the (209,210) Stomach, then (that Nature may not be destitute of all Assistance) Authors advise to give them in Glysters. Thus Sennertus (de Phrenet) counselleth to mix Opiates in Glysters, where the Patient is weakened to the utmost Degree, and therefore may not take them by Mouth. And Riverius (de Phrenit.) asserts, that Laudanum used in Glysters procures Sleep Effectually enough, and more safely, than when swallowed.

Notwithstanding young Practioners may be carfeul in ordering it: For Platerus (lib. 1.obs. p. 136) tells us, he prescib'd and Opiate Glyster to an old Man, in a Fit of the Stone; upon which he slept and waked easy, but the nerves of his Tongue were so struck, that he stammer'd like a drunken Man, yet his Speech return'd again, as the force of the Narcotic wore out. And Salmuth (Cent. 3. obs. 97.) writes of A Coma Somuolentum, occasion'd by 1 dram of Opium dissolv'd in a Glyster, which was cured by another of Malvatic Wine.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710