Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: An Apophlegmatic Electuary

An Apophlegmatic Electuary.

Take Betony leaves powder'd 6 drams; Root of Pellitory of Spain 2 drams; Oil of Cloves (or of Sassaphras, or of Origanum) 4 drops; Honey as much as sufficient, mix.

It draws out watery and pituitous Humours, by irritating and vellicating the parts of the Mouth; and hath place in a Tumour and Inflammation of the Columella and Tonsils, Qinsy, Toothach, stuffing of the Head, inveterate Cephalalgie, soporose Distempers, Epilepsy, Palsy, (especially of the Tongue) and all sorts of cold phlegmatic Diseases of the Brain and Nerves.

For these uses, let it be chew'd and rolled about in the Mouth, in the Morning fasting, for half an hour, holding down the Head and spitting it out. After it let the Mouth be wash'd with warm Water, it may also be repeated 2 hours before Supper time.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710