Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Epicure's Almanac : EVES PUDDING

The Epicure's Almanac or Diary of Good Living

April 1lth, : EVE'S PUDDING

This delicacy, which some aver was originally concocted by our first mother, whilst others, with modest dissent, trace its title to a celebrated confectioner of Bath, may be made after the following directions.

Pare and chop half a dozen apples, take six ounces of finely grated bread crumbs, the same weight of picked and washed currants, six ounces of loaf sugar, a salt spoonful of salt, and a quarter of a nutmeg finely powdered, half a dozen eggs beat up, a table-spoonful of lemon peel cut very fine, and a tumbler of brandy.

Mix all these well together. Boil in a cloth for six hours, and pour melted butter over the pudding just before serving