Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Epicure's Almanac : SCOTCH BARLEY BROTH

The Epicure's Almanac or Diary of Good Living


This Caledonian concoction is at once frugal and nutritive; and a man need not be born north of Tweed to enjoy it, if properly made. Procure a shin of beef of about eight pounds weight, and have it divided into four pieces, your butcher, if he be a civil person,will do this for you ; take half a pound of Scotch barley, and wash it free from husk or dust, in lukewarm water; select a large saucepan, put in your beef and barley, and cover them with cold water; as soon as the water boils take away the scum; and then add a couple of heads of celery, two small turnips, and two onions, all chopped up ; you may now season the liquor with salt,to your taste; let it stew over a slow fire for three hours; take out the meat, place it on a dish, and then pour the broth into an earthen vessel, where it should remain all night, to enable you to take away the fat.

Next day warm up the meat and soup, and serve it to table, either with or without the bouilli and vegetables, as your fancy dictates. If you choose to have it clear, remember how many poor souls will be glad of the other portion.