Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Epicure's Almanac : YORK HOUSE HAM

The Epicure's Almanac or Diary of Good Living

January 10th : YORK-HOUSE HAM

Any person who has breakfasted, lunched, dined, or supped at the York-House, Bath, if ham formed part of the repast, could not fail to be struck with its peculiarly fine flavour. The late Mr. Reilly was so obliging as to impart to me the secret by which his hams had obtained such celebrity, and I have now the satisfaction of giving it to the public.

After being well cleaned in fair water, and all the exterior dirt, salt, & c. ,removed by a scrubbing brush, the ham was soaked in warm water sufficiently long to remove the outside skin ; then trimmed , placed in a large stew-pan, and slowly cooked, but not in water,--and here lies the secret,—the liquid used for the purpose was SWEET WORT.

The effect produced on the meat, both in firmness and flavour, was absolutely superior to the mis-application of Champagne. I have eaten in France ham boiled in this expensive wine, and can only observe, that, in my poor thinking, it was a wicked waste of a most delicious creature-comfort.