Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Covent Garden Ladies 1788: Mrs Sutton

Harris's List of Covent-Garden Ladies for the year 1788

Mrs Sutton

Mrs. S—tt—n, No. 31, Tavistock-Street.

When will the dear man come, that I may hold him
Fast as my love can make him, hug him close
As my fond soul can wish; give all my breath
In sighs and kisses, tell I swoon with rapture.

All this she seems to say to each admirer; it cannot be true to all. But no matter. Vanity whispers to each, this is for thee alone, and the self-deceived dolt believes it. Miss S—tt—n, indeed, can give pleasure; her agreeable person, animated eyes, and lively manner, promise pleasing enjoyment, and in that she does not deceive; she artfully prolongs the pleasure to its utmost limits, and even then repines it is so short. She is of a comfortable size, genteelly form'd, with a pretty round face, a little pimpled, very pretty orient teeth, and now just entered her twenty-second year; her lodgings are neat and elegant, for the use of which, and a little black apartment, she always carries about her; she expects, at least 3 guineas; if not at home, in the evening, is generally to be met with in the green boxes.