Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: A Pearl Antiphthisic Julep

A Pearl Antiphthisic Julep.

Take of our Pectoral Snail Water 8 ounces; Barly Cinnamon water 6 ounces; Syrup of Balsam 2 ounces; Pearl prepared 4 scruples; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, mix.

Barly Cinnamon Water, is Cinnamon Water without Vinous Spirits in it: And I look upon Barly Water not much better for that use, than common Water would be.

It's useful to refresh the Spirits, support Strength, retund the acid of the Stomach, and preserve its Tone; to dissolve the crude Tubercles in the Lungs, conglutinate the Mouths of the Vessels, sweeten the Acrimony of Humours, correct the colliquative Diathesis of the Blood: Lastly, to extinguish Hectic Heats, and hinder the Lympha's being plentifully spewed out of the Glands, into the Trachea and Lungs. The Dose is four ounces thrice a day, or 5 spoonfuls in sick Fits.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710