Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: A Saccharine Draught

A Saccharine Draught.

Take Damsk Rose, and Barly Cinnamon water, and powder'd brown Sugar Candy, each 2 ounces; dissolve it over the Fire for a Draught, to be taken at Bed time.

It emulates the Vitrtues of the Draught for a Catarrh, for it lines the (exquisitely sensible and irritable) parts with an agreeable Slime; defends them from the Injuries of sharp Rheums, Incrassates thin and obtounds muriatic, acrid Serum. But in consideration of its extraordinary proportions of Sugar, it must be obtruded on those, whose Stomachs are daub'd over, and burthen'd with a great Load of clammy Phlegm.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710