Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: A Saponaceous Epithem

A Saponaceous Epithem.

Take the Spirit that comes over first in the Distillation of Magistral Worm water 6 ounces; Spirit of Scurvy grass 2 drams; Spirit of Salt Armoniac 6 drams; Venice Soap scraped thin 1 ounce and half; Camphire 6 drams; opium 1 dram; Saffron half a dram; Give it due Digestion, and then decant the clear.

It mightily relieves and succours Gouty People, where it proves not too hot, for it roborates the part affected without any manner of Repulsion; streightens out painful Crispations of the Fibres, appeases wild rioting Spirits, sheaths up sharp points of Salts, dissipates dolorific Ichor, and draws it off by Transpiration.

John Conrade Rhumelius, hath given us the following pretty concise Prescript, which I suppose this was meant to be an improvement of.

Take Venice soap 2 ounces; Camphire from 2 drams to half an ounce; Spirit of Wine as much needs, give it due Digestion; then having separated it from its Feces, keep it for use, and let it be applied to the pain'd Part with Linnen Cloths.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710