Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: A Temperate Cordial Julep

A Temperate Cordial Julep.

Take Damask Rose Water 8 ounces; stromg Cinnamon Water 2 ounces; Rhenish Wine 4 ounces; Juice of Orange and White Sugarcandy, each 1 ounce; burnt Harts horn finely levigated 4 scruples, mix.

It brings Comfort and Help in Fevers, when the Sick is parched and scorched up with fervent Heat, and lieth failing and anguishing with unsupportable Thirst. Also when burnt, bilious, acrid Recrements, being scummed off from the boiling Blood, and shed into the Ventricle, cause miserable sick Fits, Torture and Anguish.

The Dose is 4 ounces, thrice or oftener in a day.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710