Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: An Electuary of Mastic

An Electuary of Mastic.

Take conserve of ref Roses 2 ounces; Raisins of the Sun passed through a pulping Sieve 1 ounce; powder'd Mastic 1 dram and half; Nutmeg half a dram; Syrup of Meconium as much as suffices, mix.

It costs over the upper parts of the Throat and Larynx with a sort of Emplastic Slime, and so obtunds their exquisitely irritable Sense. It also prohibits the extillation of too thin, sharp and fluxile Serum from the Glands: Remedieth a moist Cough, that troubleth most in the Evening, especially at first going to Bed.

Let the quantity of a Nutmeg be taken dissolved in the Mouth, and gradually swallow'd at every Coughing Fit.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710