Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: An Icteric Decoction

An Icteric Decoction.

Take Roots of Turmerick, Madder, each 1 ounce; Celandine roots and leaves 2 handfuls; Earth worms (slit open and washed clean) 20; boil in Water and Rhenish Wine (added towards the last) each 1 pint and half to 28 ounces; to the strained Liquor, add Tincture of Saffrom (with Treacle Water) 1 ounce; Syrup of the 5 opening Rots 3 ounces; mix.

It inspires the Mass of Blood with a fresh, yet mild Ferment; searcheth the Hepatic Glands, and specifically cleanseth and cleareth the bilious Passages. After due Purging, let a quarter of a pint be drank twice a day, 'till the yellowness disappear.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710