Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: Bennet Pills

Bennet Pills.

Take of the very finest Aloes half an ounce; Senna 2 drams; Asa Foetida, Galbanum, Myrrh, each 1 dram; Vitriol of Mars 6 drams; Saffron, Mace, each half a dram; Oil of Amber 40 drops; Syrup of Mugwort sufficient to beat it up into a Mass of Pills, for 40 Doses.

They exalt and brisk up the depauperated, vapid, heavy Blood attenuate and purge off muddy, settling Humours, open and stimulate the Vessels and Fibres of the Uterus, when daub'd up with Slime, and unfitted for their Functions. They are properly Womens Physic, and a truly experimented, and scarce failing Remedy, for such Obstructions of the Menses, as (tho' they are inveterate) and yet curable. And have moreover this good Property, that Women mostly bear them well enough, notwithstanding they purge, because they repel Vapours and Hysteric Fits.

Let one scruple be given either every or every other Night, for some Weeks, according to the judgement of the Physician.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710