Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: Cephalic Pills

Cephalic Pills.

Take Pill Foetid 15 grains; Rosin of Jalap, Castor, Salt of Amber, each 5 grains; Oil of Amber 2 drops; Spirit of Lavender compound as much as sufficient to make all up into 5 Pills.

There's a common Opinion, which takes with most, that Pills are more proper than Potions, for Purging of the Head: and the reason is given, because they lying longer in the Stomach before they dissolve, irritate longer, and consequntly draw Humors more forceably from the Head and remote Parts.

These are of a middle operation, neither weak nor strong, and are extraordinarily agreeable, where Person obnoxious to the Headach, Paralytic, Soporose, Convulsive or Hysteric Affections, have need of Purging.

Swallow two at Bed time, and the other three the next Morning, keeping within doors that day, but without any great observance.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710