Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: The Electuary of Rhubarb

The Electuary of Rhubarb.

Take conserve of red Roses 6 drams; Diascordium half an ounce; powder'd Rhubarb 2 drams; Oil of Nutmeg and Cinnamon, each 2 drops; Liquid Laudanum 80 drops; Syrup of Quinces half an ounce, mix.

I like better of leaving the Laudanum out of the Compositions, and dropping it into each Dose at the taking.

It easeth the pain of the Guts, very gently turn out the Morbific Matter, and pins the door after it, and stops a Loosness. The Dose is 3 drams or half an ounce at Bed time.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710